The Main Types of Divorce: An Informative Guide

The Main Types of Divorce: An Informative Guide

Do you feel that your marriage cannot hold anymore, and the only solution is to call it quits?

This situation happens even to couples who showed signs of never letting go of their union. It is always emotional and complex, and when you decide to go that way, you should know which one of the various types of divorce you should seek.

Various reasons determine each divorce type, and that is why you have to analyze your situation to know the path to take. Usually, there will be a family lawyer helping you through the process, but you also need to know what is going on. Some divorce cases drag for too long because the two parties have no idea of what is required from them.

This guide teaches you about the various types of divorce and how to ensure everyone gets a fair hearing. Read on to learn more.

Uncontested Divorce

This is the kind of divorce that can end without anyone noticing what is happening. Usually, the partners agree to go separate ways and work out an exit plan peacefully. They will decide how to share their properties, raise children, and everything else that may require them to communicate later on.

There are no lengthy court cases with this divorce because when the partners show up to end their marriage, they only file their agreement and sign the papers. It is the kind that does not cost a lot of money because nobody is disputing anything. Most of the time, partners in such divorces can continue owning businesses as partners and co-parenting without any issues.

There are many advantages of an uncontested divorce. It has been said to be the ideal way to end a marriage because everyone needs peace after moving on. Some of these benefits include the following:

  • It is speedy
  • It is not costly
  • Everyone leaves in peace
  • Children are not psychologically affected

Family lawyers often encourage couples to go for this divorce to avoid unnecessary problems. They also know that it is through such a process that people can keep their dignity and respect in society.

Contested Types of Divorce

This is the complete opposite of an uncontested divorce because it is always messy, and partners never seem to agree. They will be at loggerheads over many issues, even when some of them are straightforward. In addition to that, the partners will be seeking to get the best by bringing each other down.

Lots of negotiations occur during a contested divorce, and it is often difficult to come to a common ground. For example, sharing property often becomes a problematic issue when completing a divorce. It becomes even more challenging when the couple has children because they will argue forever about who should be the custodian.

These divorces often go for lengthy court processes as each partner tries to make the judge take their side. Family lawyers in such situations find it difficult to make the couples understand what they should do, which is why the cases take longer to conclude. You can get more information here.

Collaborative Divorce

Another one of the divorce options you can explore is a collaborative divorce. Although it involves lawyers, it does not have to go to court because the partners will solve every issue with their lawyers. The attorneys provide guidance and help the couple understand what every situation means.

This kind of divorce requires each partner to be fair and cooperative to make things work faster. For example, you should show up for meetings when needed and provide accurate information to all the lawyers. You may agree to withdraw your attorneys and get new ones if you cannot agree.

With a collaborative divorce, you will be required to show tolerance to various issues even if some of them do not work in your favor. If you want to go separate ways, you have to lose a few things and gain some. However, if you cannot agree on important things such as raising your children or sharing property, the case can go for trial.

Default Divorce

In a default divorce, the judge will grant your wishes because your partner never showed up for hearings. The other party never participates in the hearings, and you do not have to respond to any questions because nobody is disputing your request. Some of the reasons why the partner did not participate may include a lack of interest in the case and ignorance.

Sometimes, a default divorce may be granted if your partner left the marriage and does not show any interest in it. Maybe, they have never returned home even though you know where they are. It may also be granted if the partner cannot be found for a long time.

These kinds of divorce are not as common as the other types because it is not common for people to neglect a divorce. For example, if you own family investments, they will always want to get their share. However, some situations may make one partner lose interest, leading to a default divorce.

Summary Divorce

A summary divorce is a simple process because it involves couples who have been together for a short time, usually less than five years. These couples may have disagreed too fast, but there are not many things that tie them together. For example, they may not even have children

Couples in such businesses also have little or no family investments, and therefore, there is nothing much to argue about. In addition to that, less paperwork is involved. They may also have separated for several months or years before the divorce.

Get Divorce Help From Experts

If you are looking for help with your divorce, you need to find experienced family lawyers to guide you through. They can help you know the types of divorce that suit your situation and how to go about it. To make things even better, they speed up the process so that you do not have to go through the emotional effects of a contested divorce.

If this guide has been helpful to you, you may want to check out the many other articles published on our website.

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